Luoyang Longding Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.

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Influence Of Temperature On Dipping Paint Of Vibrating Motor

Date: 2023-07-03     From: Longding     Author: admin

Different vibrating motor manufacturers pay special attention to the paint-dipping process of vibration motors. According to comprehensive factors such as its own products, equipment, and materials, it will deliberate and verify the process parameters such as pre-drying, impregnation, and drying. So what effect does temperature have on the vibration motor impregnation process?

vibration motor

1. Temperature and Impregnation Paint Penetration Ability

Under the same impregnation conditions, those with low viscosity are easy to penetrate and infiltrate the surface of the impregnated insulating material, while those with high viscosity are not easy to penetrate and infiltrate. As the temperature increases, the viscosity of the dipping varnish will decrease. Therefore, in the actual insulation treatment, it is very important to select the appropriate dipping varnish temperature to achieve a satisfactory insulation treatment effect.

2. Temperature and filling capacity of dipping varnishes

The filling capacity of impregnating varnishes depends mainly on the solids content of the varnish. It is generally required that the solid content of the impregnated varnish is high, and the varnish will have good filling properties. In the case of a certain solid content of the impregnating varnish, the higher the temperature, the lower the viscosity, and the lower the solid content of the impregnating varnish per unit volume; Conversely, the lower the temperature, the higher the solid content of the dipping varnish per unit volume.

3. Factors Affecting Wettability of Dip Paint

A. The surface of the component is clean and dry, which is conducive to wetting, and the grease and dirt are not conducive to wetting.

B. The characteristics of the dipping paint itself.

C. Compatibility of adhesives and impregnating varnishes for wrapping insulating materials of components.

D. The viscosity of the dipping varnish.

E. The temperature.

4. Impregnation drying effect

Many motor manufacturers evaluate the effect of dipping paint by the amount of paint hanging. However, if the paint is too viscous, its penetrating ability will be poor, and a thick shell will be formed on the surface of the winding, which will not achieve the curing effect. On the contrary, if the paint is too thin, the permeability will be better. But it is not easy to hang on the winding, and it also does not have a curing effect.



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