Luoyang Longding Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.

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Application Of Small Diameter Hydrocyclone In Ultrafine Grading Of Kaolin

Date: 2024-07-19     From: Longding     Author: admin

Small diameter hydrocyclones are increasingly used in the non-metallic mineral processing industry for the classification or separation of ultrafine particles. The particle size of kaolin ore after roughing is generally less than 53 um, which can meet the slurry feeding requirements of small diameter hydrocyclones. Small diameter hydrocyclones have outstanding advantages such as small separation particle size, simple process, low processing cost, and easy operation.

cyclone in kaolin

Application of small diameter hydrocyclone in ultrafine grading of kaolin

1. Effect of pulp concentration

The inlet concentration of the hydrocyclone has an important influence on the classification of particle size and separation efficiency. With the increase of inlet slurry concentration, the classification particle size and separation efficiency will be improved to varying degrees. In order to ensure good dispersion and flow properties of the particles, the increase in the slurry concentration should increase the amount of dispersant used, which increases the production cost to a certain extent. The inlet slurry concentration of a 10mm hydrocyclone group should be around 10.0%.

2. Effect of feed pressure

When processing extremely fine-grained slurry, the slurry inlet pressure will affect the working indicators of the hydrocyclone and the product quality indicators. The increase of slurry inlet pressure will accelerate the wear rate of the hydrocyclone and reduce its service life. Taking all factors into consideration, the optimal slurry inlet pressure of a 10mm hydrocyclone group should be around 7-7.5kg/cm².

3. Effect of overflow pressure

Generally, gravity discharge is the best method for discharging materials from a cyclone. Studies have shown that the inlet pressure, overflow pressure, and underflow pressure changes will affect the separation index. Table 3 shows that the optimal overflow pressure of a 10mm hydrocyclone group is 0.6-0.8kg/cm².

4. Effect of underflow pressure

The underflow pressure of the 10mm hydrocyclone group is regulated by the valve at the underflow outlet. If the underflow holes of the small cyclone are blocked, the incoming slurry will not be sorted but will directly enter the overflow chamber, and the particle size index of the overflow product will drop significantly. With the increase of underflow pressure, the fineness of overflow product shows a trend of first rising and then falling, while the yield gradually increases. The optimal underflow pressure of 10mm hydrocyclone group is about 1kg/cm².



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