Luoyang Longding Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.

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The Industry Applications of Slurry Pump

Date: 2024-05-15     From: Longding     Author: admin

Slurry pumps can be widely used in mining, electric power, metallurgy, coal, environmental protection, and other industries to transport slurries containing abrasive solid particles. Such as ore slurry transportation in metallurgical ore dressing plants, hydraulic ash removal in thermal power plants, coal slurry and heavy medium transportation in coal washing plants, dredging of rivers, river desilting, etc. In the chemical industry, some corrosive slurries containing crystals can also be transported.

slurry pump

1. Application of mineral processing plant

In the application of mineral processing plants, about 80% are used in the mining industry. Due to the harsh working conditions of the primary ore selection, the service life of the slurry pump is generally low in this section. However, the relative abrasiveness is reduced in the concentrate conveying section, and the overall service life of the pump is longer.

2. Application in power plants

Currently, power plants mainly use thermal power generation and hydropower generation. In thermal power plants, since a large amount of coal is used to generate electricity, the slag or ash after burning the coal needs to be removed, and slurry pumps are used to remove the ash. After the slag is mixed with a certain amount of water, it is transported to the ash pile through a slurry pump. Therefore, the slurry pump is sometimes also called an ash pump in a power plant.

3. Application in the coal-washing industry

In the coal washing industry, due to different working conditions, larger coal lumps and coal gangue are prone to blockage, which places high demands on the design of slurry pumps. At present, the new technology slurry pump has replaced the original slurry pump and has been operating normally so far, transporting larger coal lumps and coal gangue without blockage, and its service life has exceeded that of imported pumps from abroad.



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